Enterprise Rent-A-Car

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Driver Information
Enter driver's 10 digit cell number (xxxxxxxxxx) no dashes (must be driver's cell #)
Car Rental
(if Hybrid/Electric car not available)
Payment Information
valid exp. date format: MM-YYYY
Authorized Travel Coordinator
Must be a valid state govt. email address. Please avoid using an email address with only numbers.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Rates apply only to State of Hawaii
Car Daily Weekly
Economy $76.50 $456.00
Compact $76.50 $456.00
Midsize $77.50 $462.00
Full-Size $81.50 $486.00
Mini Van $115.50 $690.00
Standard SUV $110.50 $660.00
15-Passenger Van $200.50 $1,200.00
2 Door-4WD Jeep $150.50 $900.00
4 Door-4WD Jeep $150.50 $900.00
Compact SUV $110.50 $660.00
Full Size SUV $160.50 $960.00
Standard Pickup $115.50 $690.00
Full Size Pickup $115.50 $690.00
Premium $90.50 $540.00
Luxury $110.50 $660.00
Premium SUV $170.50 $1,020.00
Luxury SUV $170.50 $1,020.00
Hybrid Electric Vehicles $73.50 $438.00
Plugin Electric Vehicle $71.50 $426.00
Cargo Van* $110.50 $660.00
Cargo Van-SKAR* $110.00 $660.00
16' Box* $190.00 $1,140.00
3/4 Ton Pickup 2WD* $125.00 $750.00
1 Ton Pickup 2WD* $130.00 $780.00
3/4 Ton Pickup 4WD* $125.00 $750.00
1 Ton Pickup 4WD* $130.00 $780.00
High-Top Cargo Van* $125.00 $750.00
14-15' Cutaway* $175.00 $1,050.00
12-14' Stakebed* $190.00 $1,140.00
15-16' Stakebed* $190.00 $1,140.00
HD Cargo Van* $127.00 $762.00
Mini Cargo Van* $110.00 $660.00